April 21, 2017

Signs of spring, Central Park ~ April 2017
Spring has sprung and the signs of change are everywhere.
These days, it seems every morning is a wake up call.
Amazing things can happen overnight so it’s time to embrace, engage and explore.
Natural Products Expo West-Anaheim

We live in an interdependent world.
The answer is strategic foresight.
“longer term focus on functional benefits” to support e ndurance, m ood enhancement and c ognitive function for a “Better Me” (tracked biometrically), all while making foods more clean (removing BPA’s from cans and embracing non-GMO) and making
organic food more accessible.
a non-profit founded by former Campbell’s execs that gives a serving of hot cereal to regional food banks for every serving purchased.

Seen here from PLUM, a cornerstone brand in Campbell’s future forward portfolio.
Other Observations from the Show

What’s next at Expo?
It started in 1978 and by the time I started attending in 1997, it morphed into something quite different than its insider, indie-vibe culture. I couldn’t help but think the same of Expo West this year. It’s inevitable the show would also explode and attract the big fish. “There’s a broader push by Big Food makers to place small bets on disruptive foodie startups at a time when consumers are increasingly interested in newer brands”. Campbell’s, Kellogg’s and General Mills have all set up venture capital arms as a way to participate. With 400 startups receiving $8BB in revenue, the future has never been brighter for entrepreneurs with big ideas and plans. Read more about this trend here: Fortune: Campbell’s Invests in Habit.

joyful plate is here to help
joyful plate is your strategic positioning and research partner for brands big and small- we help big brands stay relevant and help small and mid sized brands envision a path for growth.
joyful plate celebrates its seventh year in June.

Please contact us at michelle@joyfulplate to chat more. We’d love to spark some strategic insights and creativity into your business plans for 2017!