We didn’t make it LIVE to Anaheim this week, but we shared in the joy virtually, thanks to New Hope Network! Congratulations to all, it looked like the show was a big success and very happy reunion. Hope to see you soon! I was jumping for JOY to hear that TABITHA BROWN was the opening keynote. I met her briefly at an Expo years ago and have been in awe ever since. I can’t wait to read her new book, her message frames up beautifully how we can live life joyfully. In the early pandemic, the New York Times credited Tabitha with soothing millions of followers trapped inside their homes during quarantine…me being one of them in NYC. Read more in this inspirational article. “Her warm smile, calm demeanor and signature Afro (which she has nicknamed Donna), as well as her kindness she shows herself and others have earned her a huge following on TikTok, resonating widely at a time when the coronavirus pandemic had many of us on edge, She offered affirmations, delivered as if in intimate conversation, urging her followers to go a little easier on themselves and to stop worrying so much about pleasing others.” So here we are and here she is two years later as the keynote at Expo West 2022. Her story is remarkable and relatable. She tried eating vegan at her daughter’s suggestion and quickly embraced it, crediting it with clearing up her chronic pain. On a whim, she filmed herself as she raved about the taste of a vegan wrap, posting a video on Facebook which was viewed about 50,000 times. Within days, Whole Foods reached out and asked her to be a brand ambassador. And now, 4mm followers later, HOLY JOY! |

Here are some of the TAB TOOLS mentioned in the keynote to help us live life joyfully. Take a time out: Tab found her way to veganism by taking a 30-day vegan challenge..”if you’re willing to save your life”, she said, “you’ve got to be willing to go it alone.” We love this idea. Why not take a time out from whatever you think might be out of balance (meat, dairy, salt, sugar, alcohol, etc.). Do one or all, for however short or long feels right to you. “Cause it’s your business.” Find your own joy. Ignore the trolls. You be you, and that’s good enough. Share your story: Your story can bring joy to the person you least expect it to. Speak your truth. And do it with a smile, honey! LOVE her sense of humor (like her hilarious message “Have a most amazing day, but even if you can’t have a good one, don’t you dare go messing with someone else’s!’ The joy of learning: As Tabitha says, “the more we know, the more we grow.” Dream bigger: We’re always dreaming at joyfulplate (R). How can we add more value to clients? How can we imagine bigger, going places we could have never expected for ourselves and our client brands? Tab tells us to listen to our inner voice and take that unexpected path. One day you may find yourself playing a beloved character in your own story, TAB-TIME (If you haven’t seen it yet, check out her new children’s You Tube program here. Or license your name to a beloved American spice company (Tab’s Sunshine Seasoning, McCormick Foods 2021). As a creative strategist, my jaw dropped when I saw these Tabitha innovations last year. Of course the Tab brand character can grow to an educational platform! She knows no limits. May she continue to soar and share her healthy glow with all of us. It’s Tab-Time! We’d love to help you create what’s next for your brand…new business platforms, new products, names, campaigns, designs, stories and more. Please say hello at michelle@joyfulplate.com. Thanks! |